Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 7 #17

Technology...I love it! It is one of my most favorite things ever. Even when I am constantly called over (at home and at work) to explain the vagueries and intricacies of it to those uninformed masses, I still like technology. I know for a fact that I am not even the most technologically savy person at my branch, but I am not too far down there.
I love new stuff that comes out. I don't always acquire the new stuff, especially the brand new stuff (ex. Apple iPhone). Some of the latest and greatest are not always so great. They need a few thousand people to work the bugs out of them before I am willing to give them a shot.

Sigh...I just don't know if I could live without going online at least once a day. KIDDING!
Seriously though, I do usually find myself online at least 2-3 times a day (when not at work). In general, if I was away somewhere on vacation I would not be on the computer at all. I would be out seeing the things to see and doing the things to do.

Wrapping it all up, I love me some technology!

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