Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 8 #18 Social Networking

I have been using some of these social networking sites for a while now. I guess I am just really not that into them. Don't get me wrong. I love technology and everything that encompasses, I just haven't ever really gotten into the social networking sites. I have used My Space much more than any of the others, but have used Facebook as well.
On the My Space site, I know many people who have added music and graphic and all sorts of other things. I guess I just never spent any time at all messing with that. I go there on occasion to hook up with some friends and see what is going on in their lives. Or I am nosy and try to see what is going on with people I went to school with even if I never really liked them.

Maybe I will mess with my My Space account some now. Perk it up a bit.
Or maybe not. I guess it will be a wait and see type of thing.

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