Monday, February 25, 2008

# 25

Burning CDs seems like something that I have been doing for ages and ages now.
So I did not redo it. I do still sometimes burn CDs although not nearly as often as I used to. Especially and things have changed with the laws and rules. I do still use CDs in my car and such. It is still a viable resource for me, although I do use other mediums for music as well.

Concerning the music sharing, I am not certain as to which side of the line I fall on. On one hand I can see the point of many musicians of not wanting their music to be freely available to the public. They have worked hard and deserve to be compensated for their work. On the other hand, part of what almost every single artist always says is how they want to share their art and have it be out there. In fact, many musicians and groups are now offering or have offered their music for free. There was a group that had their CD available for download and the consumer only had to pay what they thought it was worth, whether that was 1 cent or $100.00.

Because I, like most others, do not like to be parted from my money I think music should be free!!;-)

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